Thursday, February 8, 2007

Terraforming Mars

Steven Wintergerst has some crazy ideas about terraforming mars. He talks first of all the problems with colonizing mars. This section has some great information (not sure how accurate). After this he goes onto speculate and give his own opinion of what could be done. This is where it gets a little humorous. Especially pay attention to the section on reducing Mars' solar radiation. He claims that the core of mars just needs to be made molten again in order to create a magnetosphere like the one earth has that protects us from large radiation doses. He proposes a number of tasks that might get this job done such as nuclear devices detonated under ground or a large parabolic mirror reflected at the surface of the planet to heat it up.
Other than some of the spacey ideas, this page presents the problem at hand with colonizing the red planet and then brainstorms some entertaining ideas of how these might be fixed.

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