Sunday, February 4, 2007

Enterprise Mission - Warp Speed to the Nut House

I find it hard to take much of The Enterprise Mission website seriously. At first glance it just looks like some people having fun who have alot of time on their hands. Upon more thorough searching, one starts to realize that the site is run by a bunch of nuts. The first indication of this was in their mission statement where they use a quote from Neil Armstrong as evidence and support for their claim that NASA is hiding important information from the public in a huge conspiracy. Continuing down the page, every paragraph introduces new conspiracy theories.

The Mars Society site appears to have more focus than the Enterprise Mission, clearly stating their goal and the ways they wish to accomlpish it. Under the surface it does get a little stranger especially in the section 'Resources- Everything you need'. In this section they equip anyone who wants to help the society out with pictures, handouts for a meeting, sample letters to write to congress and basic information to memorize. This is not necessarily a bad idea but I think they need to take it one step at a time and not give someone who wants to convince people that we should go to mars cartoon pictures of martian space suits.

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