Friday, February 2, 2007

Mars Society and Enterprise Mission

Overall, I thought that the Mars Society Website had a lot of good information, but it was kind of a boring, unexciting website. I thought it was really annoying that the first thing that pops up on the front page is a donation box asking for money. I did think it was good that the website clearly stated its purpose at the top, and then went on to state how they are going to reach their goals. This website comes across as being very legitimate and I would feel comfortable using it as a source for a paper.

I would not feel comfortable using anything off The Enterprise Mission as a source in a paper. There are obviously a lot of trekkies running around who are extremely devoted to Star Trek, but even they know that it is fiction. It doesn’t seem to me that modeling something after Star Trek is the best way to be taken seriously (but who knows, maybe that isn’t their goal). However, everything I read on the site kept me very entertained and made me want to read more. Reading about trekkies complaining about NASA is just pretty hilarious. I especially liked the article “When We’re Right, We’re Right.” Clearly the people running this website have very active imaginations.

Even though the Mars Society Website clearly had better information than The Enterprise Mission website, the stories on the Enterprise Mission were a lot more fun to read. This means that I’m probably most likely to waste time surfing their website than I am the Mars Society Website, so maybe Enterprise Mission is doing something right.

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