Monday, November 12, 2007

Wi-Fi at NASA Headquarters: Coming 2017

This is a great article in The Onion that touts NASA's plan to have mission control a wireless hotspot by 2017. I would almost believe it, considering how slow it sometimes seems that NASA advances on projects compared to the 1960s and 1970s. Below is an excerpt.

"NASA has suffered from a public credibility crisis in recent years due to perceived incompetence, a failed mission to Mars, the damaged and dormant Hubble telescope, and its inability to procure a long enough USB cable to reach all the way over to engineer William Chen's cubicle. But NASA officials argue that a secure high-speed line could prevent disasters such as a 2005 incident in which an employee attempting to download the movie trailer for Cheaper by the Dozen 2 crashed the Mission Control Center mainframe computer for two weeks."

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