Friday, November 9, 2007

Bringing some heat into a cold debate

Anyone worth their Sci-fi salt has heard of the idea of cryostasis (the freezing of the body to slow down all the bodily functions), and knows that it would be extremely helpful when transferring people in space simply because... they wouldn't have to breath (as much) or eat or go to the restroom, or move around. Simply put this would solve a ton of issues.

A bunch of Cryonics enthusiasts are meeting at an Alcor life extension conference in Scottsdale Arizona to talk about preserving human bodies under extreme cold. Though the group has frozen many of it's "enthusiasts" in hopes of reviving them at some point, they have yet to perfect the technology to do so. Still there may be hope in nanotechnology.

The whole process isn't, on the whole, received that well by the medical community as of yet due to the debate about what it means to be "dead" (the medical definition is when the heart stops beating) . However, because of the possibilities that the freezing method might hold for preserving of organs, Alcor is hoping that they will receive a boost in support.

Full article: A Conversation About Cryonics

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